Csuper 4.4.3

25 Nov 2021 csuper

I just updated the packages for Csuper. The version of Csuper is always the same so if your version works well, no need to re-install it.

Here is what has changed:

  • Fixed build with recent compilers
  • Upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 12.04
  • Upgrade all libraries for Windows

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RecettesCuisine 1.3 has been released.


All the information are one the dedicated page.


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RecettesCuisine 1.2 has been released.


All the information are one the dedicated page.


  • Upgrade PDFBox
  • Fixed JAR export
  • Fixed PDF export with multiple pages
  • Improve about dialog
  • Add Markdown export
  • Delete the default values in recipe edit pane
  • Add overwr...

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I just release a panorama viewer. For more information, please go to the dedicated page.

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Csuper 4.4.1-2

24 Nov 2018 csuper

I just updated the packages for Csuper. The version of Csuper is always the same so if your version works well, no need to re-install it.

Here is what has changed:

  • Upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04
  • Upgrade from Fedora 26 to Fedora 29
  • Upgrade all libraries for Windows

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